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carol Gordon

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At The Book Lady — located at 3515 W Highway 74 — there is always something going on inside the building. Whether it’s shelving books, pricing, or cleaning, Carol Gordon has done well in keeping her employees and volunteers glued as a Book Family. The Book Lady has four full-time employees and seven volunteers, according to store manager Aimee Kenney. The Book Family contributes to helping customers find books they desire to read or buy, including Gordon. Kenney was one of the first people Gordon hired to help her with the store. For 22 years, they developed a keen friendship to where Kenney calls Gordon “a second mom” and a “big sister”. Some of the people Kenney brought to Gordon recently were Vanessa Roeslar, Emmy McGlinchey, and Kathy Gagliano. Volunteer Jack Driggers has been a part of The Book Lady for five years but has known Gordon as a former customer. She made him feel welcome the first time he walked into the store. Driggers, also known as “the Jack of All Trades,” helps with cleaning books and running errands for The Book Lady from time to time. He enjoys volunteering at the store because it makes him forget about the outside world. “Carol is very knowledgeable about books and teaches all of us, but she is also very kind with the customers,” Roeslar said. “Who wouldn’t want to work for her… She tries to do what’s right for people, she helps me find books I want to read and helps me find books for the other customers. It makes me a better employee all the time.” The Book Family at the Book Lady also includes customers who are first-timers and long-timers. Regardless if they are reading or laughing together, Kenney is grateful to be a part of the Book Family. “We’re a team here,” Kenney said. “Carol is The Book Lady, but we are a team. We all help each other be better people, do a better job, but at the same time, we laugh and play. We’re in here joking as we’re going through books. We’re telling stories, talking about news, talking about family. … This is a business, but this is a family.” The information is from a recent article from the Enquirer Journal [read more]

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